Returns should be made within 14 days after delivery of your shipment. The product should have been intact and unopened. The customer covers the return shipping cost.
We will usually refund your order within 3 days of receiving returned goods in our warehouse, but please note that it might take longer for a refund to appear in your account as transfers between payment systems might take longer.
If returning an item that qualifies you for a bonus gift, please include the bonus gift with your return. The gift product should be intact and unopened. If you keep the bonus gift, its value will be retracted from your refund.
Please get in touch with us to organize the return. Send us an e-mail at or call +370 615 39 223.
If you received damaged products, please contact us at e-mail:
We will usually refund your order within 3 days of receiving returned goods in our warehouse, but please note that it might take longer for a refund to appear in your account as transfers between payment systems might take longer.
If returning an item that qualifies you for a bonus gift, please include the bonus gift with your return. The gift product should be intact and unopened. If you keep the bonus gift, its value will be retracted from your refund.
Please get in touch with us to organize the return. Send us an e-mail at or call +370 615 39 223.
If you received damaged products, please contact us at e-mail: